Is Your Cat Sick

Our Snow-Leopard Bengal cat named Mocha

Our Snow-Leopard Bengal cat named Mocha

Maintaining a Healthy Cat

We all want our pets to live long and happy lives, but just like us humans, there will be times when our feline friends become ill and not feel well.

Our oldest cat Sweetness. We had to put him down last week at 19 years of age, but he was a great cat for the 17 years we had him.

When it comes to cats and illness, they are quite good at hiding the fact they are not feeling well. It isn't uncommon for a cat that becomes ill to go hide and then show up a few days later when they are feeling better. This type of behaviour is instinctual as in the wild when animals become sick, they make for easy prey for other animals as they are unable to effectively defend themselves. Because of this, when they become sick, they will drag themselves to a hiding place and stay there until they feel better and can once again defend themselves. Despite what many may think, a cat can survive for a few weeks without food. It is more important for a cat's health that they intake fluids and remain hydrated in the short term.

Is Your Cat Sick

Often, owners will become accustomed to their pet's daily routine and will often notice when something is amiss, and they may not be acting like themselves. Most pets are creatures of habit and it can become easy to spot when something doesn't seem normal or is off in some regards. Some of the more common things to look for that may indicate something is wrong with your cat is:

Common Illnesses

The newest addition to our family. This is Mocha, a Snow-Leopard Bengal.

Some of the more common illnesses that may occur and require no special intervention are:

Issues Requiring Medical Treatment

If your cat presents with any of the following conditions, it is advised that you seek the advice of a veterinarian as soon as possible:

Our Calico cat Waffle. She's been with us since she was a 3 months old. She will be 10 years old this coming summer and I expect she will be with us for many more years to come.

I hope that this information helps you to better determine if your cat is ill and not feeling well. If you are unsure what the issues may be, it's best to have your cat looked at by a veterinarian. Cats are very good at hiding illnesses, so one needs to be observant of any changes that may signal an issue. The pet owner is often the best one to detect such changes and get a feeling for what may be wrong.

If you have any questions or concerns, please leave them in the comments section below.


GP Joa